DAZN Limited trading as 'DAZN'
12 Hammersmith Grove, London, England, W6 7AP
E-mail: help@dazn.com
Authorised representative: Shay Segev, CEO
Company number 09676399
VAT number: GB945612024
Regulatory Authority: National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), Poland
Our contact address is help@dazn.com and our contact form is available at https://www.dazn.com/contactus.
The on-demand audio-visual media service provided under the DAZN brand is provided by DAZN Media Poland SP . Z O. O.
Ul. Żelazna 4, 40-851 Katowice, Poland. Tax ID: 9542727329. Court registry number: 0000391056
E-mail: help@dazn.com
Members of the Board of DAZN Media Poland SP . Z O. O.: Darren Waterman, Sandeep Tiku.
Actual Beneficiary as disclosed in the Central Register of Actual Beneficiaries: Leonard Blavatnik
Other media services provided by entities belonging to the same capital group:
DAZN OTT Service in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg
DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Germany
DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Germany
DAZN FAST Channel in Germany
DAZN For Business OTT Service in Germany
DAZN For Business OTT Service in Austria
DAZN OTT Service in Italy
DAZN Linear Channel in Italy
DAZN OTT Service in Spain
DAZN F1 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 3 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 4 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN OTT Service in Japan
North America:
DAZN OTT Service in US
DAZN OTT Service in Canada
DAZN PPV Linear Channel in UK
DAZN Global OTT Service (excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Japan, US and Canada)
DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O. as a service provider is subject to Polish jurisdiction.
Regulatory Authority: National Broadcasting Council Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji), Poland.
Dostawcą usługi medialnej na żądanie pod nazwą DAZN jest DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.
Dane kontaktowe: DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.
Ul. Żelazna 4, 40-851 Katowice, Polska
NIP: 9542727329
KRS: 0000391056
Skład Zarządu DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O.: Darren Waterman, Sandeep Tiku
Jedynym wspólnikiem posiadającym więcej niż 5% udziałów jest spółka DAZN MEDIA SERVICES LIMITED.
Beneficjentem rzeczywistym ujawnionym w Centralnym Rejestrze Beneficjentów Rzeczywistych jest: Leonard Blavatnik
Lista wszystkich dostarczanych przez DAZN i podmioty wchodzące w skład tej samej grupy kapitałowej usług medialnych, platform udostępniania wideo oraz wydawanych dzienników lub czasopism:
DAZN OTT Service in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg
DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Germany
DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Germany
DAZN FAST Channel in Germany
DAZN For Business OTT Service in Germany
DAZN For Business OTT Service in Austria
DAZN OTT Service in Italy
DAZN Linear Channel in Italy
DAZN OTT Service in Spain
DAZN F1 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 1 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 2 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 3 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN 4 Linear Channel in Spain
DAZN OTT Service in Japan
North America:
DAZN OTT Service in US
DAZN OTT Service in Canada
DAZN PPV Linear Channel in UK
DAZN Global OTT Service (excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Japan, US and Canada)
DAZN MEDIA POLAND SP. Z O.O. jako dostawca usługi medialnej podlega jurysdykcji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
Organem właściwym w sprawach audiowizualnych usług medialnych na żądanie jest Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji.