You can cancel your DAZN subscription anytime with ease. Please note that the cancellation process must be completed using a web browser, regardless of the device you use to watch DAZN.
How to cancel your subscription?
- Log in to your DAZN account
- Click on ‘My Account’
- Go to ‘Subscription’ and follow to ‘See Plan Details’
- Select ‘Cancel’ and follow the on-screen instructions
Once your cancellation is done, a confirmation message appears on the screen, and you also receive a notification via email or SMS.
Note: Signing out of the account or deleting the app does not cancel your account.
Can I still access DAZN after canceling my subscription?
Yes! Canceling your subscription doesn’t stop you from enjoying DAZN. Log in to your account to access DAZN free offer featuring selected free content without any subscription fee.
Upgrade to a paid plan, anytime you wish.
What happens after you cancel your subscription?
Cancelling subscriptions if you pay via third party provider
If you pay to DAZN via a third-party payment provider, the cancellation process must be completed on the respective platform.
Changed your mind?
No worries! You can withdraw your cancellation easily.
Go to ‘My Account’, select ‘Subscription’ and click on ‘Stay with DAZN’.
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